Cheap Malaysia VPS

Secure your Website with Unique IP Using Cheap Malaysia VPS


For people who are new to website development, virtual private server (Hosting services) handling is arguably the least popular hosting choice. While the name could be intimidating, the premise is uncomplicated, and it offers great benefits over shared hosting.

The next step from shared hosting is typically Cheap Malaysia VPS if you want to develop a website that is more efficient and safe. Once the service has been activated, its scalability ensures that it will remain relevant for a long time.

This post tries to cover all things and information related to IP address, including its benefits and safety, moreover who provides the best services for VPS Malaysia.

What is IP Address?

The IP address, meaning Internet Protocol address, is a set of integers that uniquely identifies each network device. The network’s IP addresses must all be unique. As a result, each device usually has two IP addresses: an internal and an exterior address.

On the local network, your device’s internal IP is the identification number to it. The devices connected within your residence under the cover of (typically) your router are an instance of a local network, user interface icons.

As soon as you connect to your ISP’s servers for Internet access, they assign you an external IP address. IPv4 and IPv6 are the two different forms of external IP.

IPv4 addresses are constructed with four sets of integers, resulting in 4 sets of addresses. Due to the increased number of connected devices, IPv6 was developed, which extended IPv4 and used six-digit combinations instead of four.

Since your Cheap Malaysia VPS account is a device (although virtual) linked to the Internet, your server will provide it with an IP address. Additional IP addresses are available as an add-on service.

Types of IP Address

There are four categories of IP addresses:

  • Public,
  • Private,
  • Static
  • Dynamic.

Depending on the network location of an address, public addresses differ from private addresses. Public IP addresses must be used outside of a network, while private addresses must be used within it.

How does Unique IP help in Securing the VPS Server?

With a Cheap Malaysia VPS hosting account, you’ll need a web address/domain name that points to a particular IP address that specifies the location of your VPS hosting server. Using only one dedicated IP address, you can create multiple websites, each with its domain name. An SSL certificate, which confirms your identity to your visitors, is a vital component of website security. You can divide your VPS hosting plan’s apps and services by using additional IP addresses.

It provides two unique security benefits-

  • At first, you should only open the ports required for the applications on each IP address, eliminating any ports that could be compromised.
  • Second, you can utilize one IP address for public-facing applications and a different one for internal applications as well as SSH access with this method. This makes identifying the main IP address you use for network management on your VPS Server Malaysia solutions more challenging for attackers.

Benefits of IP Address using VPS Server Malaysia

VPS Server Malaysia

IP Blacklisting is Less Likely to Occur

While exchanging an IP address is typically secure, it does increase the danger of your website being blocked in a certain region. Another website on your server may engage in illegal actions such as distributing spam emails or distributing malware, resulting in search engines blocking your site. You will not have your IP address restricted unless you do something harmful if you have a unique IP address using Cheap Malaysia VPS Server.

Delivered Emails Faster

Faster email delivery is another advantage of a unique IP address using the Cheap Malaysia VPS Server. Gmail & Yahoo value emails from unique IP addresses better than those from common IP addresses. Because there’s a higher risk of spam from email accounts housed on shared IP addresses. These mail services frequently double-check communications from common IP addresses.

Transferring Information in a Safer and More Efficient Method

However, with a unique IP address using VPS Malaysia. You can create a file transfer protocol (FTP) service to share files within an organization. It will provide you with improved security as well as a quicker rate of transferring files.

Who Provides the Unique Dedicated IP in VPS Hosting Malaysia?

VPS hosting servers each have their IP address, you won’t have to keep track of many IP addresses for various websites. A single IP address is enough to send the entire server out. You can see this is a clear indication that all traffic sent to your Internet address will go directly to your website.

All of these capabilities and more are provided by Serverwala Cloud Data Center with its Cheap Malaysia VPS web hosting service.

Serverwala is a VPS hosting provider with affordable VPS hosting plans. A variety of VPS add-ons, permit you to choose the VPS hosting option that best suits your needs. It presently offers Windows VPS hosting & Linux VPS hosting in several packages to meet the scope of your company, estimated traffic, and infrastructure components.

All of these plans come with generous RAM, storage capacity, and bandwidth allowances. This preserves your VPS hosting performance against traffic surges. With a variety of VPS add-ons including more IP addresses, extra bandwidth, or SSL certificates. You can customize Serverwala’s VPS Hosting Malaysia packages according to your needs.


The process of administering a Virtual Private Server account seems simple for those who understand how interconnected servers work. We’ve only mentioned a few of the benefits of owning a unique IP address. Consider getting it if you’re anxious about your privacy and security, or if you want to access geo-restricted content. A Unique IP Address is provided by a Serverwala’s Cheap Malaysia VPS service. Consequently, your private data will be protected. If you want to optimize your online experience, try Serverwala VPS hosting.

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