What Safety Measures Should I Take When Installing Curtains in a Child's Room?

What Safety Measures Should I Take When Installing Curtains in a Child’s Room?

Window coverings not only protect us from outside breezes but also helps in adding a fascinating decor element to the place. Per modern interior trends, adding window treatments in a room has become necessary because of its never-ignorable benefits. But if you are doing the window treatment for your child’s room, you should be very cautious about the safety of your infant. Naturally, children love exploration, and when they start crawling, they face minor to significant injuries. The rods, beading, and cords in the curtains could harm your child, ultimately causing safety risks. So, it is essential to take some essential measures in your child’s room to ensure safety and style simultaneously. 

Essential Safety Measure

Below are some necessary safety measures that you should consider while styling the windows of your kid’s place

Examine the Cords

It is recommended to check the cords because, due to the explorative nature, your child can be strangled in them and can meet with an injury. Try to tighten the loose cords to avoid any mishaps. According to the National Safety Council, there was the injury report of two children every day due to the loose curtains cords.  Because, child safety comes first so it is recommended to check them & use harmless devices.

Avoid Using Full-Length Curtains

Choose curtains Dubai that are not full-length and are out of reach from the child. The use of full-length could be harmful because your baby can easily pull it, ultimately causing damage. Better to use safety devices that can tie these curtains away from the reach of your child and also ensure beauty and style. 

According to a study by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, these curtains could be fatal for your child; deaths were reported because of curtains tangled in loose cords. Inshort, for your children’ safety assurance, avoid using full-length curtains. 

Professional Curtain Installation

The improper curtain installation could also lead to the safety hazard of your child. Window curtain installation should be done by a professional to ensure that no accessories are loosely attached. The wrong installation process could be a reason for loose cords and will ultimately risk the baby’s life.  According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were injury reports of 50 babies due to the curtain incident during 2012-2017. So, it is essential to eradicate the safety risks by proper window curtain installation treatments that helps making them out of reach. 

Don’t Use Tension Rod

It is recommended to avoid the use of tension rods because falling these rods on the head of a baby could be fatal. Children are innocent creatures and don’t deserve such injuries just because they want to explore every corner of a space. There are available many command stripes and magnets that you can use to hang the curtains. These tension rods are heavy and harmful if used in the room of a baby. Be careful!

Replace With Cordless Curtains

When children start crawling, they want to move in every corner of the room and pull the ties and cords of the curtains because of their fascinating appearance. It is necessary to either tighten these cords or eradicate the issue for your child’s safety by using alternatives like cordless curtains. There are also cordless curtains now that are easily operable and kids’ friendly. 

Avoid Embellished Curtains

Sometimes, you want a more decorative, modern, and stylish look for your child’s room and purchase the embellished and beaded curtains, which, if fallen, can cause injuries to your baby. So, don’t prioritize style over the safety of your child. You can achieve style and design even with simple and cordless curtains. Try to avoid these embellished curtains in your child’s room that can initiate any trouble.

Keep Decorative Elements Away From Reach

Understanding the need of decorating window coverings with back holders, decorative elements, or accessories for easy operating factors and fascinating appearance, interior designers recommend using every curtain accessory from a height so your kid won’t approach it. Avoid adding pins to the curtains if you are styling your kids’ room to enhance the safety level of the place.

Keep Examining Your Kids’ Room (Preventive Measures)

  • Always keep a keen eye on your kids’ room to eliminate troubles. 
  • Furniture alignment should be proper to avoid falls and accidents.
  • Choose a floor covering in your kid’s room for comfortable walk and crawl.
  • Make sure the rugs and carpets are adhesively placed to avoid slips.
  • Better to add enough lighting and avoid decorative elements with sharp ends.


Designing a room for your child is exciting work, and when you think of window treatments to eliminate temperature fluctuation effects, don’t forget to take some essential considerations that ensure the safety of your child. 

People will not believe that window curtains in Dubai could have harmful effects, but, according to the (NSC) and (CPSC) cases, severe injuries in kids are reported due to the window curtain accessories, and some damages were proved fatal. So, before considering a good and attractive curtain design, remember the safety measures like using cordless curtains, avoiding tension rods, no decorative element with sharp-edges, and full-length curtains. Consult an expert for the proper installation of window curtains to avoid later-on troubles.


  1. Q1: Are there specific safety standards for curtains in children’s rooms? A1: Yes, there are safety standards for children’s curtains. Look for curtains that meet industry safety standards, such as those with cordless designs to prevent the risk of entanglement.
  2. Q2: How can I secure cords and blinds to ensure child safety? A2: Use cord cleats or wind-ups to secure cords out of a child’s reach. Make sure that pull cords are shortened and kept taut to prevent strangulation hazards.
  3. Q3: What materials are safe for children’s curtains? A3: Opt for curtain materials that are non-toxic and flame-resistant. Avoid curtains with lead-based paints or toxic dyes. Look for curtains labeled as child-safe.
  4. Q4: Is it necessary to use curtain tiebacks or holdbacks in a child’s room? A4: It’s recommended to use tiebacks or holdbacks to keep curtains away from a child’s crib, playpen, or reach. Be sure to install them high enough to remain out of a child’s grasp.

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