dynamics 365

Is Guided Walkthrough Training Good for Dynamics 365 End User Training?

When it comes to Dynamics 365 end user training, there are several options available. But one that is gaining popularity is guided walkthrough training. This type of training involves step-by-step instructions and visual aids that guide the user through the software, ensuring that they understand how to use it effectively. 

Guided walkthrough training is often seen as a more interactive. And engaging form of training compared to traditional classroom-style training. But is it really effective? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of guided walkthrough training for Dynamics 365 end users and help you decide if it’s the right choice for your organization. So, let’s dive in and take a closer look at this innovative training method.

What is Guided Walkthrough Training?

Guided walkthrough training is a type of training that provides end-users with a visual and interactive experience of using software applications. It involves step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and visual aids that guide the user through the software, ensuring that they understand how to use it effectively. Guided walkthrough training is often seen as a more engaging form of training compared to traditional classroom-style training. It is especially useful for software applications that are complex and require a lot of practice to master.

Benefits of Guided Walkthrough Training for Dynamics 365 End User Training

Guided walkthrough training offers several benefits when it comes to Dynamics 365 end user training. Some of the key benefits include:

1. Improved Engagement

Guided walkthrough training is highly interactive and engaging, making it easier for users to stay focused and retain information. It provides a hands-on approach to learning, allowing users to practice using the software in a safe and controlled environment.

2. Effective Learning

Guided walkthrough training is a highly effective way to learn complex software applications 

such as Dynamics 365. It provides users with a step-by-step guide on how to use the software, ensuring that they understand each feature and function. This type of training is ideal for users who are new to Dynamics 365 or who need to brush up on their skills.

3. Customizable

Guided walkthrough training can be customized to meet the specific needs of the user. This means that users can learn at their own pace and focus on the areas that they need to improve on. It also means that organizations can create training programs that are tailored to their specific requirements.

4. Cost-Effective

Guided walkthrough training is a cost-effective way to train end-users on Dynamics 365. It eliminates the need for expensive classroom-style training and reduces the need for in-person trainers. This makes it an ideal training method for organizations with limited budgets.

Common challenges faced in Dynamics 365 End User Training

Dynamics 365 is a complex software application that can be challenging to learn. End-user training is essential to ensure that users can use the software effectively. However, there are several challenges that organizations face when it comes to Dynamics 365 end user training.

1. Time Constraints

End-users may not have the time to attend traditional classroom-style training sessions. They may be busy with other work-related tasks, making it difficult to schedule training sessions.

2. Inadequate Training

End-users may not receive adequate training, which can result in them not fully understanding how to use the software. This can lead to frustration and errors when using the software.

3. Lack of Engagement

Traditional classroom-style training can be boring and unengaging, making it difficult for end-users to retain information. This can result in them not fully understanding how to use the software.

4. Limited Access

End-users may not have access to the software outside of the training environment, making it difficult for them to practice and reinforce what they have learned.

How Guided Walkthrough Training addresses these challenges

Guided walkthrough training is an ideal training method for addressing the challenges faced in Dynamics 365 end user training.

1. Time Constraints

Guided walkthrough training can be accessed from anywhere, making it ideal for end-users who have time constraints. Users can access the training at any time, from any location, making it easier to fit training into their busy schedules.

2. Inadequate Training

Guided walkthrough training provides users with a step-by-step guide on how to use the software, ensuring that they understand each feature and function. This type of training is highly effective in ensuring that users receive adequate training.

3. Lack of Engagement

Guided walkthrough training is highly interactive and engaging, making it easier for end-users to retain information. It provides a hands-on approach to learning, allowing users to practice using the software in a safe and controlled environment.

4. Limited Access

Guided walkthrough training can be accessed from anywhere, making it ideal for end-users who do not have access to the software outside of the training environment. Users can practice using the software as much as they need to, ensuring that they are fully prepared to use it in their day-to-day work.

Features and capabilities of Guided Walkthrough Training in Dynamics 365

Guided walkthrough training in Dynamics 365 offers several features and capabilities that make it an ideal training method. Some of the key features and capabilities include:

1. Step-by-Step Instructions

Guided walkthrough training provides users with step-by-step instructions on how to use the software. This ensures that users understand each feature and function of Dynamics 365.

2. Interactive Learning

Guided walkthrough training is highly interactive, providing a hands-on approach to learning. This makes it easier for users to retain information and practice using the software.

3. Visual Aids

Guided walkthrough training includes visual aids such as screenshots and illustrations, making it easier for users to understand how to use the software.

4. Customizable

Guided walkthrough training can be customized to meet the specific needs of the user. This means that users can learn at their own pace and focus on the areas that they need to improve on.

5. Accessible

Guided walkthrough training can be accessed from anywhere. making it ideal for remote workers or users who are geographically dispersed.

Real-world examples of successful Guided Walkthrough Training for Dynamics 365 End User Training

Guided walkthrough training has been successfully implemented by several organizations for Dynamics 365 end user training. One such example is the implementation of guided walkthrough training by a global manufacturing company. The company used guided walkthrough training to train its end-users on how to use Dynamics 365 for sales and service management. The guided walkthrough training included step-by-step instructions, visual aids, and interactive learning modules. The training was highly effective, with end-users reporting an increased understanding of how to use the software.

How to implement Guided Walkthrough Training in your Dynamics 365 End User Training program

Implementing guided walkthrough training in your Dynamics 365 end user training program is relatively straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Identify Training Needs

Identify the specific training needs of your end-users. This will help you determine the training modules that you need to create.

2. Create Training Modules

Create training modules that include step-by-step instructions, visual aids, and interactive learning modules. Ensure that the training modules are customized to meet the specific needs of your end-users.

3. Deliver Training

Deliver the training through an eLearning platform or as part of a Learning Management System (LMS). Ensure that the training is accessible from anywhere and that end-users can learn at their own pace.

4. Evaluate Training

Evaluate the effectiveness of the training by gathering feedback from end-users. Use this feedback to improve the training modules and make any necessary changes.

Best practices for incorporating Guided Walkthrough Training in your Dynamics 365 End User Training program

Incorporating guided walkthrough training in your Dynamics 365 end user training program requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to follow:

1. Identify Training Needs

Identify the specific training needs of your end-users. This will help you determine the training modules that you need to create.

2. Create Engaging Content

Create engaging training content that includes step-by-step instructions, visual aids, and interactive learning modules.

3. Make Training Accessible

Ensure that the training is accessible from anywhere and that end-users can learn at their own pace. Use an eLearning platform or LMS to deliver the training.

4. Provide Ongoing Support

Provide ongoing support to end-users by offering access to training materials, tutorials, and helpdesk support. This will help to reinforce the learning and ensure that end-users are able to use the software effectively.


Guided walkthrough training is an effective and engaging training method for Dynamics 365 end user training. It provides end-users with a step-by-step guide on how to use the software, ensuring that they understand each feature and function. Guided walkthrough training is highly customizable, making it an ideal training method for organizations with specific training needs. 

It is also cost-effective, eliminating the need for expensive classroom-style training. Incorporating guided walkthrough training in your Dynamics 365 end user training program can help to improve engagement, reduce errors, and increase productivity.

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