How Can You Practice Being Safe Online?

Table of Contents

Think twice before you post

Enable relevant privacy features

Browse Safely

Ensuring a secured connection

Download from safe websites

Create strong and complex passwords

Shop through secured websites

Think before you speak to strangers

Update your Anti-virus software

In Summary


Careless internet habits are one of the leading causes that expose users to online fraud and identity theft. As individuals begin to access the internet through more and more devices, they are susceptible to newer threats. People have started to use apps more than traditional websites but that doesn’t mean the rules have changed. You still need to follow the basic tips that will ensure your safety as you surf the internet. Below are some of the safety rules you should always follow when you’re on the internet.

Think Twice Before You Post

Today, your social media profiles aren’t just open to your friends and family but are also looked at by employers and colleagues. To be on the safe side, you should avoid posting too much of your personal information on your profiles. All of your personal information should remain just that, personal. Your employers and colleagues may choose to bypass your application if it’s filled with inappropriate information. Remember, once you post something on the internet, there is no way you can take it back.

Enable Relevant Privacy Features

There are a lot of people interested in learning which sites you visit online and the pages you follow on your social media. To prevent others from following your activity, you can enable a variety of privacy features offered by social media apps, browsers, and even on your devices. It’s always better to have your device locked with some form of security measure, whether it’s through fingerprints, face detection, or patterns. All major social media apps can help you block strangers and prevent others from interacting with your content. Have a look at these settings and enable them to keep your profiles safe.

Browse Safely

Clickbait is a surefire way to end up in dangerous territories online. Scammers and hackers understand that users may be unable to resist clicking on a lurid headline just to see if it’s true or not. It’s always better to avoid visiting unsecured sites that may be able to infect your devices with malware. Don’t enter your personal information on any site. Check it out and see if it’s secure before giving up your details.

Ensuring a Secured Connection

If you are connected to public networks, your connection is not safe. Others on that network can track your online activity and observe you. Public networks offer you no security, but you can download a VPN to keep your details safe. To keep your details safe from vulnerable endpoints, you can use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) that encrypts your data, which can no longer be read by others. It helps create a secure connection between your device and the network you’re using.

Download From Safe Websites

One way hackers infiltrate your devices is by getting users to download files and software from unsafe websites. Once the file is downloaded and installed, they may be able to observe your activity and even access the files on your device. Ensure that you download your files from authentic websites to get the real thing.

Create Strong and Complex Passwords

Weak passwords can help make matters much easier for hackers. If you use generic passwords that can be easily guessed, you give unauthorized users the option to break into your accounts easily and steal the data they need. When you’re asked to create a password for any site, make it something that won’t be easy to guess. Consider using mixed letters, numbers, and special characters to create a complex password and try to keep it at least 12 characters long. You can also use password manager software to help you remember your passwords.

Shop Through Secured Websites

Online shopping has become quite a big part of our lives but you shouldn’t let your guard down now that it’s so common. Before you enter your credit card numbers on these sites, ensure that it’s an authentic website that isn’t just trying to trick you into entering sensitive information. The easiest way to check if the site is secured is to have a look at the web address and see if it begins with an ‘https’. The ‘s’ indicates that the website is secure in most cases.

Think Before You Speak to Strangers

There are many new people you may find online. However, the internet offers people anonymity and not everyone is whom they say. People will hide many aspects of their lives as they interact with the world around them. Do not rush into trusting them and meeting them in real life. Avoid sharing your personal information such as where you work and your address with people who don’t know you personally.

Update Your Anti-virus Software

Your device should have anti-virus software installed so that it can help you detect malware before it harms your system. You also need to ensure you have updated anti-virus software installed as hackers are constantly finding creative ways to find loopholes and track your activity.

In Summary

If you remember to practice these Internet safety rules, you will be able to avoid most of the threats lurking on the internet, when you sign up with Medicom Internet. If you’re looking for additional services, you can also consider Mediacom Cable to go with your plan.

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