Autoimmune Disease Solution

Everything you should know about the autoimmune diseases-a battle within yourself 

The autoimmune disease is a strange kind of disease. Imagine if a country’s army attacks and kills their people and brings chaos? It is the same with autoimmune disorders, where your body attacks its cells and organs, leading to life-threatening conditions. Our immune system is designed to protect the body against microbial attacks ranging from low to high damaging tendencies. 

This process is similar to the soldiers who protect the country from the enemy’s invasion. But, these immune cells that save our body sometimes mistakenly attack the cells that are present in our body, causing dangerous diseases. Here listed a clear picture of the autoimmune disease and its types:

Autoimmune disease summary

There is no particular reason for autoimmune diseases in nature. Doctors, however, suggest that it might be due to hereditary reasons. They also say that it also occurs in large numbers in one ethnic group compared to the other. For example, autoimmune diseases, known as lupus, attack more Hispanic and African American peoples than the Caucasians. 

They also say that it is due to the food pattern we consume each day, like if you take high carbs, sugar, fatty, and heavily processed foods. Usually, the immune system is well aware of the differentiation between its own cells and foreign cells. They release some proteins that signal their army of cells to attack the invader cell. 

It fights against bacteria, viruses, and some other harmful microbes. But unusually, they tend to attack their own cells and destroy their function. This results in damage to the specific organ and leads to permanent injuries. You can buy some autoimmune disease book online in order to improve your knowledge about these diseases. There are various types of autoimmune diseases. They are listed below:

Rheumatoid arthritis

In this disease, the immune system affects the joints of the skeletal structure. It is similar to osteoarthritis that affects people older than 30, but Rheumatoid arthritis can start in the 30s or before the 30s. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are soreness and stiffness. And in some cases, they cause redness and a warm feeling in the joints.

Type 1 diabetes

The pancreas is the insulin-producing organ that regulates the sugar levels of an individual. Still, when these organs are attacked, they tend to lose the ability to produce the insulin hormone. And then, the blood sugar level increases, which damages the other organs like the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves.

Multiple sclerosis

Your nerve cells consist of a layer of outer covering that protects the nerve cells in the central nervous system. In multiple sclerosis, immune cells destroy the outer surface of the nerve cells, known as the myelin sheath. It affects the speed of the signals transmitted from the brain to other parts of the body. And this results in trouble while walking, numbness, balancing issues, etc. But you can have the perfect consultants for the autoimmune solution to this disease.

Systemic lupus erythematosus

The systemic lupus erythematosus is first decided to be a disease that mostly affects the skin layers. But later on, it concluded that it could affect various body organs. It impacts the kidney, brain, cardiac system, joints, etc. And finally, it leads to rashes on the skin, lethargy, and pain in the joints of the bones.

Myasthenia gravis

It is a dangerous condition in which our cells attack the brain’s nerve impulses and restrict the signals from reaching the muscles. This results in muscle incardination such as eyelid drooping, swallowing, eye and facial movements, etc.

Celiac disease- This disease makes a person sensitive to gluten in rice, wheat, and other grains. The gut will be attacked if some protein and gluten in the grains are found in the small intestine. This results in diarrhoea and abdomen pain. Some people worldwide have gluten sensitivity, but autoimmune diseases do not always influence it.

Pernicious Anaemia

The intrinsic factor is a type of protein found in the walls of the small intestine. Its major function is that it helps absorb the Vitamin B12 from the food you eat. But when the immune cells attack these proteins by mistake, the body cannot absorb this vitamin and become deficient. Insufficiency of the Vitamin-B12 will lead to anaemia, mostly in adults. 

Autoimmune vasculitis

 In this disease condition, the immune system attacks the blood vessels all over the body. Therefore, these blood vessels get swollen or inflamed over time. This will compress the region where the blood flows. Over time, the walls of the blood vessels tend to be constricted or narrowed down. This results in a reduction in the blood flow to all body parts that might reduce most of the body’s main functions.

Graves’s disease

Grave’s disease attacks the thyroid gland that is present in the neck and results in higher hormone production. If there is too much hormones in the body, then the body will lose so much weight as it controls the functioning called metabolism. A metabolism is considered to balance the level of calories, fat usage, and energy.

 If it becomes too high due to the excessive production of the thyroid hormones, the body becomes intolerant to heat. It makes you lose many pounds and have tachycardia, nervousness, and other symptoms. The eyes will become bulged due to a similar condition called exophthalmos.  

Addison’s disease

Here, it affects the adrenalin glands of the body, which are responsible for producing cortisol, aldosterone, and other adrenaline hormones. If the cortisol body is insufficient it will not control the usage and storage of the carbohydrate. This may result in loss of energy, weight, the low sugar level in the blood, weakness, lethargy, etc. Aldosterone inadequacy will lead to sodium loss and excess potassium in the bloodstream.

Parting words:

Thus, even though it is a tough time when your own cells have to battle with your immune system, it is curable with the right treatment. It is the perfect time to see the doctor if you find symptoms like redness, rashes, or inflammation. If it has been diagnosed in the early stages, then the treatment will become so easy. Hence, always remember that your health is your wealth.

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