commercial cleaning companies of Atlanta

Commercial Cleaning Services in Atlanta Help U Benefit from Going Green

Save the planet, save humanity is the slogan of those who support the idea of Going Green. This idea must be taken ahead of banners; and placards and applied in our everyday routines. It is not that hard and we can make it possible by adapting to products and methods that may not harm our environment. Recycling, going for fuel-efficient or electric vehicles, and using chemical-free products come first in this regard. Jan Pro Atlanta, the leading commercial cleaning service in Atlanta supports green business, green living, green office, and green cleaning. It comes with strictly following the rules for saving the environment and using cleaning products and equipment that may not harm life and surroundings.

What is Green Cleaning?

Green cleaning programs basically focus on the use of cleaning products that do not have negative impacts on the environment. A couple of years ago, there was no strict check on what chemicals; were used in the making of cleaners, sprays, and fragrances. Now green cleaning products are used, which are more; effective and also help minimize the adverse effects of chemicals on the environment. Now the cleaning equipment companies are also manufacturing improved tools and equipment that help trap dirt and germ more efficiently. Responsible commercial cleaning services in Atlanta use Green Cleaning products and equipment due to their following features:

  • Non-toxic cleaners
  • Biodegradable packaging
  • No use of Volatile Organic Compounds
  • No use of known Carcinogens
  • Green Seal Certification
  • HEPA Standard Equipment

Effects of Green Cleaning Products and Equipment

For sustainable living, we need to make ecologically responsible decisions and adhere to green practices. Businesses often question, what is the difference between standard cleaning and green cleaning? The green cleaning by commercial cleaning companies in Atlanta helps promote eco-friendly goodness inside offices, schools, and many other commercial setups with the help of earth-friendly products and equipment. Here are some of the benefits of going green: 

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Increased Employee Productivity
  • Improved indoor air quality
  • Improved Waste Management


A few years back the green cleaning products and equipment were costly and companies used to avoid them. Now things are different, as green products do not cost more than traditional cleaning products. Some organic cleaning products are even cheaper than standard cleaning products. Additionally, the green products have improved cleaning efficiency that lasts for long hours and doesn’t need the next application very soon. For instance; a green cleaner will stop the birth of bacteria for a long; Traditional toxic chemicals may result in workers’ injuries and may cause accidental fires, while green products save you from any such hazards. This is why the commercial cleaning companies of Atlanta have adapted to these highly efficient and safer products. 

Increased Employee Productivity

When businesses choose green corporate cleaning services for their workplaces, it helps them get benefits in two ways. Due to safer products and equipment, the cleaning team gets very less vulnerable to any potential hazards. It reduces their tendency to everyday absenteeism and also saves the company’s expenditures on operators’ medical care. A safe work environment increases operators’ retention and at the same time decreases their turnover. Secondly, the office staff feels like working in a healthy and clean environment and also don’t fall sick very frequently. This is why smart businesses now prefer the use of green cleaning products and equipment.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

The green cleaning products are made out of organic oils and this is why they offer a healthy indoor air quality. On the other side; conventional products are made from toxic chemicals; which directly cause breathing problems, sneezing and nausea, and many other serious illnesses in the long run. The use of HEPA filters helps create an ideal germs-free environment, as according to the US Department of Energy, they help control 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and other airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns. After the spread of Covid-19, many health-conscious business setups have shifted their commercial janitorial services from conventional cleaning methods to green cleaning techniques. 

Improved Waste Management

As long as green cleaning products are concerned, their manufacturers are conscious about making these products eco-friendly in every way. It is not just about the inside packed material they are also focused; on providing these products in safe and recyclable packaging; bottles, cans, and cartons. Due to recyclable packaging, businesses have become able to adapt to better waste management systems. It helps them save cost, at the same time saves them from causing any burden on the earth. Here are some other advantages of green products due to which they have become the foremost choices of the commercial cleaning services in Atlanta:

  • Easy recycling of trash that saves labor and cost
  • No payment for disposing of materials
  • Companies get; paid for their produced recyclable material

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