Cashmere: Making Every Clothing an Extra Special

Wool of the Gods or Fiber of the Kings Cashmere is one of the finest and softest animal fibers known to men. It is one of the most valuable commodities in the world and is used to produce luxury clothing that is extremely soft, warm and lightweight. People use only the finest cashmere to create cashmere jumpers and cashmere scarves that combine evolutionary style with comfort and a luxurious feel.

Where Does Cashmere Come From?

The cashmere is cultivated by peasant farmers living in remote areas. This is a skill passed down from parents to children. Cashmere is the soft fiber of the Cashmere goat, and the best comes from animals that live on the steppes of Mongolia and China. The ideal altitude is from 7 to 10,000 feet above sea level, where nighttime temperatures can plummet to -40C°. Their diet is vital to keeping their hair pristine.  It is limited to virgin bushes and bushes, which allows the goats to retain their softest fur for warmth. Cashmere goats are essential to their existence. Therefore, they are treated as part of the family.

Collection of Cashmere:

The skill of the herdsman is crucial in collecting the fine fibers, as each animal is captured, and the goat hair is combed using special combs. Fleece fabric is made up of very fine down and the outer, straight, coarse hair is longer. The longest down is best used for knitted clothing and the shortest down is used on woven fabrics. The separated guard hairs are eventually used in the manufacture of carpets or canvas for apparel. Each animal produces only 4 ounces of hair per year, and when you consider that, only 50% is ultimately selected for our production. You can calculate that it takes the fur from four cashmere goats to make just one sweater.

Cashmere Processing:

The hair is then placed in canvas sacks for transport to a local sorting facility. It takes about five days to ride a horse when it arrives at the sorting plant. The hair is then sorted and scrubbed again. The remaining coarse hair is separated, and the fibers are washed to remove dirt, grease, and vegetable matter that collects in the collection process. The abrasive material is removed. This process removes the outer fur, leaving only the fine fibers. At the end of this process the fibers are now ready to be spun into yarn for knitting. Cashmere has three natural colours. White is the purest and rarest colour, grey and tan. They are all high quality but come from different goats. The next step is dyeing and spinning to turn the raw material into yarn that can eventually be used for knitting.

How Good Is Cashmere?

Cashmere comes in several grades, which reflect its quality: Grades A, B, and C. Cashmere fibers should be at most 19 microns (measurement diameter of the strand), with Grade A cashmere fibers measuring 14 microns in diameter. The diameter of human hair is the same as the normal diameter, approximately 50 microns. Cashmere is flexible, similar to sheep’s wool, but in general, the finer fibers make it more delicate than wool.

Is Cashmere Itchy?

Cashmere is famous for its beautiful soft handle if the cashmere fiber is processed properly. The skin should not feel itchy. The tiny scales that make up the surface of the fiber are smoother and smaller than the scales on wool. This results in a soft, almost silky texture. However, cashmere is a natural yarn and may irritate people with severe skin allergies.

Why Is Cashmere So Expensive?

A single Cashmere goat will produce only a few ounces of hair per year. This is coupled with the skilled labor required to collect cashmere fibers and the time-consuming process. It is, therefore, not surprising that cashmere is more expensive than other yarns. However, if taken care of, it will help it last for many years. They are relatively low maintenance as they only need to be washed occasionally.

How Do You Take Care Of Your Cashmere?

  • Cashmere is very delicate, and quality cashmere must be washed carefully.
  • Wash cashmere at home by hand or on a gentle cycle with cool water.
  • Remember to use a gentle soap formula. You can also look for detergents designed specifically for cashmere.
  • If washing by hand, soak the cloth in a bowl of cold water. Do not twist it because you don’t want to stretch it or damage its shape.
  • When the excess water is removed, Lay your items flat to dry. Do not hang things, as this will cause the fibers to stretch.

Bottom Line

Cashmere is the exemplification of extravagance and style. Their flawless, delicate quality, warmth, and flexibility make them a high-priority expansion to any stylish closet. Whether you are going to a conventional occasion or partaking in a relaxed trip, a cashmere cloths makes certain to lift your look and cause you to feel spectacular. Putting resources into quality cashmere lifts your style as well as offers a comforting embrace that rises above seasons and patterns.

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