ADHD Myths

Debunking Common ADD/ADHD Myths

It is an assumption of the notion that ADD as well as ADHD are two different things; however, ADD is a subtype of ADHD. The differences (and other ADHD myths!) will become clearer once you have read the following article.

It’s challenging to deal with a child’s medical conditions as you’re constantly receiving the impression that it’s inaccurate or that it shouldn’t be an issue when you handle things more effectively. The myths surrounding ADHD are deeply rooted and have been perpetuated for decades despite years of factual research based on evidence.

The most dangerous myth is one in which many parents are so enthralled. Many people believe they have only the option of medication or have to endure the chaos ADHD causes in their families. That’s a myth that we’re delighted to dispel. There’s a broad range of options for support that works for parents; the most important of these is support and training for parents. Children with ADHD have unique challenges that need to be addressed.


The case and the point are that it appears that they don’t have ADHD at all in France! In any case, per doctor. Marilyn Wedge wrote in Psychology Today that we tend to “‘pathologize’ much of what is normal childhood behavior.” She states that the French population has lower levels of ADHD children because they view it as a matter that is socially based, as they have the structure right from the start, and also because they know their limitations. In her book, Dr. Wedge hits the nail on every ADHD myth in the book! Parents, we must see the truth to aid our children. Source: Buy Adderall Online

Myth No. 1: ADHD is Caused by Inadequate Parenting

“Dr. Wedge writes that in French families, “Parents are firmly in charge of their kids – instead of the American family-style, in which the situation is all too often vice versa.” If we could only control our children, provide them with guidelines and a structure, and make them aware of who’s boss, we could end this ADHD absurdity. What if! The reality lies in the fact that ADHD is a neurobiological disorder.

It’s not caused by a lack of rules, structures, or boundaries. It’s not due to our society. It is the brain that causes it. People with ADHD have brains that are wired differently. In our prefrontal cortex, we have the executive function, a region of the brain involved in self-management and organization. For those with ADHD, the executive function can impair. While it does not impact intellect, it affects the ability to focus, manage information, and begin and finish the task.

Brain Scans:

Are you feeling the same way? When you look at brain scans of children who have ADHD, there are some fundamental distinctions. The brain’s size could be as much as 5 percent smaller, and dopamine levels can be lower. There’s also a significant genetic link. Research suggests that if parents have ADHD, their children have a 70% to 80% chance of being affected. Children who have ADHD have a parent who has ADHD. It’s part of the genetic baggage that we are born with. We aren’t able to control our genes. Parents can pass it on to their children the same way they can pass with their beautiful blue eyes or the ability to curly their tongue!

ADHD is not the result of bad parenting. However, it can be improved by knowledgeable, caring parents who are empowered and knowledgeable.

Myth #2: ADHD Doesn’t Exist:

The myth above is taken to the extreme and says that not only are you an unfit parent, but your child is also a wrong person. He doesn’t listen. He isn’t paying any attention to his teacher. They doesn’t care about what you say. He doesn’t believe that rules apply to him. He’s undisciplined. ADHD is a disorder affecting between 5 to 8 percent of children (even French kids!) and a smaller proportion of adults.

There are similar statistics in 30 other countries and a smaller percentage of adults, meaning that North Americans are not alone in this; it’s widespread across the globe. There is indeed a considerable amount of scientific research that supports ADHD as an actual and neurobiological disorder. One of the best books that parents can read is Dr. Tom Brown’s Attention Deficit Disorder and the Unfocused Mind within Children and Adults, which explains the science and research behind ADHD and provides explanations in a manner that parents can comprehend.

Myth 3: You Cannot Take Action To Treat ADHD

They don’t always respond to the methods used by “typical” children – though normal children may not always respond! It isn’t easy to control your child’s behavior, particularly if you have ADHD also. Training and coaching will help you understand the circumstances and develop how to handle them. They will also hold you accountable for the methods you decide to implement. The first step is to survive. The second is to thrive. You can acquire the knowledge you require to assist your child and yourself in managing.

Debunking ADHD Myths:

There are a myriad misconception about ADHD and its causes:

  1. It’s due to artificial sweeteners or sugar, or artificial sweeteners.
  2. It results from our permissiveness, lack of motivation, or apathy.
  3. It’s because we’re not permitting boys to be males (or girls to become girls), and it’s often diagnosed.

The reality is that ADHD is a real thing; it is a genetic neurobiological disorder. Fortunately, you will receive the assistance and assistance you require to face the truth and manage ADHD Myths efficiently.

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